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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - sophisticated


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  прил. 1) лишенный простоты, изощренный 2) искушенный в жизненных делах, умудренный опытом 3) сложный, замысловатый 4) фальсифицированный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. лишенный простоты, естественности; утонченный, изощренный sophisticated manners —- изысканные манеры sophisticated taste —- утонченный вкус sophisticated novel —- роман для избранных; роман, рассчитанный на искушенного читателя 2. искушенный, умудренный опытом sophisticated traveller —- опытный путешественник sophisticated adolescent —- развитый (не по летам) подросток sophisticated columnist —- осведомленный журналист 3. сложный, усложненный sophisticated apparatus —- сложная аппаратура sophisticated research techniques —- сложная техника изысканий sophisticated surgery —- сложная современная хирургия; тонкая хирургическая операция 4. современный, стоящий на уровне современности sophisticated weapons —- новейшие виды сложного оружия 5. фальсифицированный; с примесью sophisticated oil —- масло с примесью суррогата sophisticated food —- (пищевые) эрзацы, суррогаты 6. искаженный, извращенный sophisticated text —- искаженный текст ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  adj.  1) лишенный простоты, естественности; изощренный, утонченный (о вкусе, манерах)  2) искушенный в житейских делах, опытный  3) отвечающий изощренному вкусу (о книге, музыке и т.п.)  4) обманчивый, вводящий в заблуждение  5) сложный, тонкий (о приборе, машине, системе и т.п.) Syn: see urbane ...
Англо-русский словарь
  adj. 1 (of a person) educated and refined; discriminating in taste and judgement. 2 (of a thing, idea, etc.) highly developed and complex. Derivatives sophisticatedly adv. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   adjective  Etymology: Medieval Latin sophisticatus  Date: 1601  1. deprived of native or original simplicity: as  a. highly complicated or developed ; complex ~ electronic devices  b. having a refined knowledge of the ways of the world cultivated especially through wide experience a ~ lady  2. devoid of grossness: as  a. finely experienced and aware a ~ columnist  b. intellectually appealing a ~ novel  • ~ly adverb Synonyms:  ~, worldly-wise, blase mean experienced in the ways of the world. ~ often implies refinement, urbanity, cleverness, and cultivation guests at her salon were usually rich and ~. worldly-wise suggests a close and practical knowledge of the affairs and manners of society and an inclination toward materialism a worldly-wise woman with a philosophy of personal independence. blase implies a lack of responsiveness to common joys as a result of a real or affected surfeit of experience and cultivation blase travelers who claimed to have been everywhere. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A sophisticated machine, device, or method is more advanced or complex than others. Honeybees use one of the most sophisticated communication systems of any insect. ...a large and sophisticated new British telescope. ADJ 2. Someone who is sophisticated is comfortable in social situations and knows about culture, fashion, and other matters that are considered socially important. Claude was a charming, sophisticated companion... = refined ADJ 3. A sophisticated person is intelligent and knows a lot, so that they are able to understand complicated situations. These people are very sophisticated observers of the foreign policy scene. ADJ ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 having a lot of experience of life, good judgment about socially important things such as art, fashion etc  (a play that will only appeal to a sophisticated audience | a suave, sophisticated Frenchman) 2 a sophisticated machine, system, method etc is very cleverly designed and very advanced and often works in a complicated way  (highly sophisticated)  (highly sophisticated weapons systems) 3 having a lot of knowledge and experience of difficult or complicated subjects and therefore able to understand them well  (British voters today are much more sophisticated than they were in the 60's) - sophistication n  (social institutions that show a high level of sophistication) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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